Mummies Surviving Easter – day 1

So the Easter holidays are here. A time of joy, chocolate, cheer and oh shit what will I do with the kids for 2 whole weeks?!

The weather has so far been amazing so we have been super lucky in that respect that the garden has been our go to place. Oscar has a massive trampoline, which is a horrible eye sore but my god does it work wonders when there is a hyperactive chocolate fuelled ninja obsessed 5 year old on the loose!!

As promised though I have done some fun activities with him this week, and I still really cherish the times he still wants to spend with me, rather than watch someone open a bloody kinder surprise egg for the 9 millionth time on youtube! (Eye roll).

So the activity of the day today was – a smashed egg picture!

We had a cracking time (hahaha)


So all week I had been saving our egg shells. Each time I cracked on I would carefully just crack the top off and save the rest of the shell as best as I could. This got quite tricky so really don’t worry if they’re not in perfect condition.


Starting the morning with a soft boiled egg

We then filled the egg shells with different coloured paint from the local poundshop.

I layed some left over wallpaper we had from Oscar’s first bedroom in this house – amazing spaces. I unrolled and kept in place on the garden path using a chair and the slide. (Paint easily wipes off these surfaces)


I then let Oscar loose with the paint filled shells and encouraged him to throw and splatter the eggs till his heart was content!

If you are feeling really brave for bigger splashes of paint you can get your child to stand higher on a chair or at the top of the slide! (Always supervise your child when they are standing at the top of a slide or on a chair!)


Our finished result looks eggsellant I think. So much fun and so easy to do. Give it a go and share your pictures!


5 thoughts on “Mummies Surviving Easter – day 1

  1. BRILLIANT idea. I spend so much time chasing mine around saying “not there, stop pouring, no more mess,” etc that I love a bit of organised chaos when I can just let them go for it. Will definitely be trying this idea.. thank you!


  2. this really is COOL, truly! I love the idea, I love the creativity in exploring a fun, (free) activity for him, and I also most importantly think it looks awesome! this is a fab easter idea – when I have a youngin, I’m definitely going to try and remember this! thanks for inspiring – xx Bee


  3. I never played these easter games as a kid. My easter used to consist of getting dressed and going to church expecting it to be more packed than usual.


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