6 weeks Holiday here we come!

So I have been out of writing for far far too long and have shamefully neglected my blog. I’d love to tell you its because I have been super busy with the baby, been up to my eyeballs in extra curriculum activities with the 5 year old, thinking up new and exciting business ventures. Sadly no, I’ve just been to lazy to lift pen to paper.. or finger to keyboard as it is. And for that I apologise profounsly to anyone that cares.

So today marks the first day of the school holidays. 6 weeks here we come.

And as usual I will offer no real ‘advice’ for these 6 weeks a head. But instead i will share what we are doing as boring and lame as they may be. So you mummies (and daddies, aunts and uncles…) out there don’t get the same holiday feeling I get every half term and every holiday. That feeling of dread that you have to keep up with entertaining your little ones, forking out for the biggest best theme parks and filling each day with excitement as your so sure that every other parent (and their instagram page) are doing.

Nope no one has an everyday jam packed fun filled holiday. And if they do I’d sure like to meet you and get your coffee recipie.

Parents have to work, I am extremely lucky that I have this time to enjoy my young children. After working ridiculous (really really ridiculous 48 hour shifts) when Oscar was toddling about, I know how hard it is feeling like your missing out on your children and especially when you see that Tom Dick and Harry are spending every day with there angels at the zoo, beach and soft play. You may often feel like your failing them. But your not.

Some parents don’t work. Myself included which also means stretching those pennies to accommodate a day at lego land, alton towers and a 5 day stay at butlins is equally as impossible. You may often feel like your failing them. But your not.

Some of you may be single parents. Struggling on a day to day with keeping the house in order, budgeting money, juggling time and surviving on 3 hours of sleep each night. The holidays may fill you with dread and you may often feel like your failing them. But your not.

Some parents are just plain exhausted because having little children to look after 24/7 takes it right out of you. So when you see the sun shining and your head it telling you its a beach day for sure but your heart just wants to stay inside watching peppa pig slobbing out on the sofa. You may often feel like your failing them. But your not.

So I hope you enjoy my updates over the next 6 weeks. Just to prove it is okay to not have a pintrest lifestyle, your instagram not to be filled full of fun days out, not to be ‘checked in’ to all the fancy places.


Happy holidays 😀